
Monday, 14 July 2014

MSC are the first cruise line to offer a paediatrics service on board.

MSC have recently announced that they are installing a video conference link between all 12 of their ships and the Giannina Gaslini Insitute in Genoa, Italy which is world renowned centre of excellence in paediatric medicine. This will allow MSC's doctors to consult specialist paediatricians 24 hours a day for second opinions or advice on carrying out procedures.

MSC are a European cruise line and their focus on the family is high, they provide a lot of family facilities and want to provide the best possible care for any children that should unfortunately become poorly or require medical treatment whist on board.

MSC Cruises chief executive Gianni Onorato said: “MSC Cruises is a family-owned company and we strongly believe in caring for the health and safety of our guests on board, with particular attention to younger travellers who can require help and treatment quite different from other age groups. We’re really excited about this collaboration, which is particularly aimed at our family cruises.”

This I am sure will help put people's minds at rest. They are one of the only cruise lines to take babies on board from the age of 3 months and this is a worrying time for parents. I didn't holiday abroad with my son until he was around 18 months old and I know alot of other parents who worry about taking their children a long way from home in case of an emergency. By offering this service MSC are offering that extra peace of mind to other cruise lines and families can now have a worry free holiday.

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